Progress Report

Before I start blogging about my progress with languages I thought I should begin by first posting about my current progress with languages. This way, I can better see my progress
by having something to compare.

American Sign Language:

I have taken two college courses in ASL, in addition to using the study aids Signing Time, ASLpro, and Sign Enhancers Bravo Family Series. I am also using Talking with Your Hands, Listening with Your Eyes, American Sign Language Dictionary, 500 Flash Cards of American Sign Language, and The American Sign Language Phrase Book.


I have taken two college courses in Spanish, Rosetta Stone (levels 1 & 2), and Michelle Thomas Method (level 1). I am currently using Duolingo (level 7) and Vistas.


I have taken one college course in Italian and used Rosetta Stone (level 1). I am currently using Duolingo (level 6), Mango (35 minutes, Chapter 1 lesson 2) and Sentieri.


Currently using Duolingo (level 5), Mango (1 hours 28 minutes, Chapter 1 lesson 4), French Made Simple, and The Ultimate French Review and Practice.


Currently using Duolingo (level 1), Mango (1 hours 32 minutes, Chapter 1 lesson 3), and German Made Simple.


Currently using Mango (2 hours 41 minutes, Chapter 2 lesson 1).


Currently using Mango (30 minutes), Genki, and Rapid Japanese.

My current progress may not seem like a lot, I only recently became enthusiastic about learning languages. I hope that by the end of the year I have progressed a lot, I will say at least double my current progress with the previously mentioned languages. Most of my progress will probably be over this summer since I’m taking the summer off from school. As you might have noticed my favorite study aids are Duolingo and Mango, mainly because I can use them on my phone anytime. As I post my progress with each language I will be sure to include the resources I use and also review them.

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